The BEST Way to WIN in 2025 🎉
Are you Wrestling or Resting?
To get the strategy to thrive, you gotta know what you are warring against.
Get INSTANT ACCESS and TOOLS on what to do to WIN, Stay Encouraged and KNOW the Power of Pursuing God's Call, NO MATTER the COST!Â
Calling All Change Agents....
Have you been in seasons where you've lost sight, mental clarity, and perception? There is a lack of focus, a lack of determination for your callings and dreams because you are battle fatigued and weary?
You've encountered the strongest resistance you ever have against your time of intimacy with The Lord. Your prayer time, worship, and studying the Word are almost nonexistent, but this is not due to laziness but because of loss of hope.Â
- The cloudiness of confusion has muddled your mind and blurred your sight.
- You seem to have good days and bad ones with overcasts of doubt, fear, overwhelm and hopelessness.
- You experience a fight to cause dullness to your sensitivity to hear His Voice, and to cause you to sleep instead of being awakened and alert to His Truth.
Do you feel like you've embraced the mindset of a warrior? Of wanting to remain a faithful change agent, or refusing to give up on your dream. I've been there and I understand.Â
It’s not wrong to have a warrior mindset, but it shifts your focus.You become more focused on the fight to hold on, than working together with the Holy Spirit against the one who’s really trying to destroy you.

Have you tried warring but only end up getting weary? You think it's warfare when things don't go the way you expected, or blame the devil at least a few times a day? Â
Instead of working from your position of Victory, you work to avoid:
- The idea of starting your God Vision or stepping out in faith, because it scares you.
- The possibility of shame or embarrassment of saying that you're strugglingÂ
- The fear of failure or not being heard or understood
- You've got big plans or dreams but feel stuck in indecision or procrastination
You can't win a spiritual battle with a natural fight.Â
What if I told you that as a child of God, you are Destined to live a life of PERPETUAL VICTORY?
Leaning into God’s strength and unlocking supernatural strategies has allowed me to WIN everyday in the past years...
What if you had insight to understand what's going on and instructions on how to effectively navigate......
I want to remind you that you are designed to shake the world, shift beliefs, and shatter statistics. And to be so, you have to be courageous enough to be counterintuitive.
Your ability to think for yourself and stand for what God says about you, even if the masses are saying differently will always be your greatest strength.
If you feel stuck, stick with me, because this is for you. I will help unstick you.
You have a Word or Vision over your life but you're stuck in the place of in between.Â
Here's the TRUTH: You're frustrated because there's a WORD over your life. Had nobody prophesied over you or God not given you a Word or Vision, you'd never know there was MORE in you! The greatest part of prophesy isn’t receiving a prophesy Kingdom Impact Maker, it's WALKING it out to see it fulfilled.Â

Are You Ready for a Real Change?
This is for you if:Â
You believe the WORD of God Rightly Applied has the ability to Completely Transform your Life -
Spiritually, Emotionally, Relationally and Financially.Â
Are You Wrestling or Resting?

Everything You Need to Live a LIFE Of CONTINUOUS VICTORY, in this world.Â
Here's what you GET through this BOOTCAMP:
- How to ENFORCE your GOD-GIVEN SUPERNATURAL AUTHORITY to EXPOSE the lies of the devil.
- NEUTRALISE demonic activity
- OVERCOME demonic schemes and PULL DOWN strongholds.Â
- FACE what you fear the most, which will get you your BIGGEST VICTORY.
- Understand the biggest barrier between you and your Calling is YOU.
- The KEYS to GROW and SUCCEED Spiritually, Emotionally, Relationally and Financially. Â
- Discover REST is a WEAPON
- OCCUPY your place of DOMINION
To truly Walk in your DIVINE DESIGN, give yourself permission to accept the TRUTH that God has placed MORE in You!
Trailblazers didn't achieve greatness by following the crowd. They stood tall, steadfast, and unmovable in their beliefs.

15+ Video Sessions & BONUS Training
In this fifteen+ video sessions, International bestselling author and Coach Dr.Jemi Jyo Johnson shows you how to:
- Discover The MYSTERY, HISTORY & DESTINYÂ of Spiritual Warfare.
- Recognize Spiritual Wars.
- Understand the enemy's plots.
- Get Practical Keys to Walk in Divine Health and Win Everyday.
- Develop practical strategies to live from victory.

Instant & Life Time Access + Guides
Get instant access, watch at your own pace and get life time access. The guides for each session -- with discussion and reflection questions, can be used as a workbook, leaders guide etc. You also receive handouts, checklists + Bonuses that can maximise spiritual and personal development.
Discover secret weapons we have been given to slay the spiritual “dragons” of our day and stand firm against the dogs of doom at the door of your destiny.

Transformational Outcome
đź’Ą Transform your life and overcome the challenges of spiritual warfare...Â
💥 Empower yourself and take control of your spiritual journey....
💥 BOLDLY OBEY God’s plan for your life and walk in Divine VICTORY...
đź’Ą Learn Success Secrets to overcome weariness , not be hindered by attacks and live from your TRUE Power Source...... Â
Here Is What You're Going to Get

NOW ONLY: $497
What People Are Saying...

Dear Kingdom Change Agent,
The fear of success is MORE about WHO success will cost you, than what it requires of you.
As you grow, you start hearing things like:
“You think you’re better than everybody else.”
“You’re changing.”
“You don’t have time for anyone anymore.”
“You only care about your GOD Calling and Business”
 ......You are plagued with guilt. ......You question if it’s even worth it.
......Your fear if you keep going, you could lose THEM.
>>The truth is, If you stop, you could lose YOU.<<
I know this because I was there. I was so fearful of losing people I loved, that I started self sabotaging.
I didn’t want people to feel bad so I hid my accomplishments.
I didn’t want them to feel like I was better than them.
I didn’t want to be rejected.
The reality is, to play small, keeps them stuck.
You’re responsible for your reality not people’s perception.
You have to release yourself from the responsibility of others reaction to your success.
You’re the blueprint to break them free from their bondage. Be the Blueprint.
They may not know it now, but they will soon.Â
I celebrate you and see you winning already!Â
To your EXTRAORDINARY Success,
Coach Dr.Jemi Jyo Johnson